The following reports and papers are available for download. All are publicly available, without any distribution limitation.
"NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft," by Wayne Johnson. NASA TP 2009-215402. December 2009. This is the NDARC theory manual (release 1.1). NASA TP 2009-215402
"NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft," by Wayne Johnson. NASA TP 2015-218751, April 2015. This is the NDARC theory manual (release 1.9). NASA TP 2015-218751
"NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft," by Wayne Johnson. NASA TP 2022-xxxxxx, January 2022. This is the NDARC theory manual (release 1.16). Theory manual and input manual for current release are at the "Documentation" page. NASA TP 20220000355
"NDARC - NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft. Theoretical Basis and Architecture," by Wayne Johnson. AHS Aeromechanics Specialists’ Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 20-22, 2010. Summary of theory manual; short and long versions. Revised May 2011. NDARC-theory-short or NDARC-theory-long
"NDARC - NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft. Validation and Demonstration," by Wayne Johnson. AHS Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 20-22, 2010. Validation for development test cases (UH-60A, CH-47D, XH-59A, XV-15), and demonstration of analysis and design capability from code development. Revised December 2017. NDARC-results
"Propulsion System Models for Rotorcraft Conceptual Design," by Wayne Johnson. Fifth Decennial AHS Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 22-24, 2014. Summary of propulsion models. Revised February 2014. NDARC-propulsion (paper) NDARC-propulsion-pres (presentation)
List of other reports and papers regarding NDARC (March 2024). NDARC-reports-papers