Johnson, W. "NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft." NASA TP 2009-215402, December 2009. Johnson, W., and Sinsay, J.D. "Rotorcraft Conceptual Design Environment." Rotor Korea 2009, 2nd International Forum on Rotorcraft Multidisciplinary Technology, Seoul, Korea, October 2009. Acree, C.W., Jr. "Integration of Rotor Aerodynamic Optimization with the Conceptual Design of a Large Civil Tiltrotor." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. Johnson, W. "NDARC — NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft. Theoretical Basis and Architecture." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. Johnson, W. "NDARC — NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft. Validation and Demonstration." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. Kottapalli, A.P., and Harris, F.D. "Converting a C-130 Hercules into a Compound Helicopter: A Conceptual Design Study." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. Silva, C.; Yeo, H.; and Johnson, W. "Design of a Slowed-Rotor Compound Helicopter for Future Joint Service Missions." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics, San Francisco, CA, January 2010. Snyder, C.A. "Defining Gas Turbine Engine Performance Requirements for the Large Civil TiltRotor (LCTR2)." American Helicopter Society 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2011. Acree, C.W., Jr., and Snyder, C.A. "Influence of Alternative Engine Concepts on LCTR2 Sizing and Mission Profile." American Helicopter Society Future Vertical Lift Aircraft Design Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2012. Johnson, W.; Moodie, A.M.; and Yeo, H. "Design and Performance of Lift-Offset Rotorcraft for Short-Haul Missions." American Helicopter Society Future Vertical Lift Aircraft Design Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2012. Kalra, T.S.; Amiraux, M.; Nagaraj, V.T.; and Chopra, I. "A Comparative Study of Different Weight Formulations Affecting Preliminary Sizing of Rotorcraft." American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2012. Moodie, A., and Yeo, H. "Design of a Cruise-Efficient Compound Helicopter." Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 57:3 (July 2012). Russell, C., and Johnson, W. "Conceptual Design and Performance Analysis for a Large Civil Compound Helicopter." American Helicopter Society Future Vertical Lift Aircraft Design Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2012. Scott, R., and Schrage, D.P. "A Framework for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tiltrotor Aircraft." American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2012. Sinsay, J.D.; Alonso, J.J.; Kontinos, D.A.; Melton, J.E.; and Grabbe, S. "Air Vehicle Design and Technology Considerations for an Electric VTOL Metro-Regional Public Transportation System." AIAA Paper No. 2012-5404, September 2012. Snyder, C.A., and Acree, C.W., Jr. "Preliminary Assessment of Variable Speed Power Turbine Technology on Civil Tiltrotor Size and Performance." American Helicopter Society 68th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2012. McKillip, R.M., Jr.; Wachspress, D.A.; and Brentner, K.S. "High-Order Aeromechanics Model Support for Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." CDI Report No. 13-14, November 2013. Moodie, A.M., and Yeo, H. "System Performance Assessment of Active Controls for an Advanced Helicopter Concept." American Helicopter Society 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2013. Russell, C., and Johnson, W. "Application of Climate Impact Metrics to Civil Tiltrotor Design." AIAA Paper No. 2013-1087, January 2013. Russell, C., and Johnson, W. "Exploration of Configuration Options for a Large Civil Compound Helicopter." American Helicopter Society 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2013. Scott, R.; Schrage, D.; and Sirirojvisuth, A. "Development of a Rotorcraft Lifecycle Cost Model Invorporating Reliability and Maintainability with Application to Rotorcraft Preliminary Design." American Helicopter Society 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2013. Acree, C.W., Jr. "Aerodynamic Limits on Large Civil Tiltrotor Sizing and Efficiency." American Helicopter Society 5th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2014. Avera, M., and Singh, R. "OpenMDAO/NDARC Framework for Assessing Performance Impact of Rotor Technology Integration." American Helicopter Society 70th Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 2014. Johnson, W. "Propulsion System Models for Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." American Helicopter Society 5th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2014. Lawrence, B. "Incorporating Handling Qualities Analysis into Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." American Helicopter Society Rotorcraft Handling Qualities Specialists' Meeting, Huntsville, AL, Feburary 2014. Melton, J.; Kontinos, D.; Grabbe, S.; Sinsay, J.; Alonso, J.J.; and Tracey, B. "Combined Electric Aircraft and Airspace Management Design for Metro-Regional Public Transportation." NASA TM 2014-216626, October 2014. Ohanian, O.J., III; Gelhausen, P.A.; Entsminger, A.L.; Dunn, C.R.; and Sonnenburg, C.R. "Vehicle-Level Optimization of Rotorcraft Propulsion Systems." American Helicopter Society 70th Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 2014. Avera, M.; Kang, H.; and Singh, R. "Comprehensive Rotorcraft Analysis for Preliminary Design and Optimization." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Bhattacharya, S.; Nagaraju, V.; Fiondella, L.; Spero, E.; and Ghoshal, A. "Rotorcraft Tradespace Exploration Incorporating Reliability Engineering." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Johnson, W. "NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft." NASA TP 2015-218751, April 2015. Riccardi, F., and Possamai, R. "Conceptual Design of a High-Speed Variable Configuration Compound Helicopter." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Russell, C., and Basset, P.-M. "Conceptual Design of Environmentally Friendly Rotorcraft — A Comparison of NASA and ONERA Approaches." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Schrage, D.P., and Van der Velden, A. "A Development Assurance Value-Based Acquisition Approach for Complex VTOL Aircraft Development." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Scott, R. "Conceptual Design & Affordability Assessment of a Highly Reliable Helicopter." American Helicopter Society National Specialists' Meeting on Capability and Affordability in the Future of the Vertical Lift Industry, Huntsville, AL, September 2015. Senzig, D.A., and Boeker, E.R. "Rotorcraft Performance Model (RPM) for Use In AEDT." DOT-VNTSC-FAA-16-03, November 2015. Sinsay, J.D., and Alonso, J.J. "Optimization of a Lift-Offset Compound Helicopter in a Multidisciplinary Analysis Environment." American Helicopter Society 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, VA, May 2015. Snyder, C.A. "Exploring Propulsion System Requirements for More and All-Electric Helicopters." International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Phoenix, AZ, October 2015. Ashok, S.; Sirirojvisuth, A.; and Smith, A. "Closing the Gap Between Capability and Affordability for System Upgrades." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Bhattacharya, S.; Nagaraju, V.; Fiondella, L.; Spero, E.; and Ghoshal, A. "Process Improvement for Rotorcraft Tradespace Exploration Incorporating Reliability and Availability." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Garre, W.; Amri, H.; Pflumm, T.; Paschinger, P.; Mileti, M.; Hajek, M.; and Weigand, M. "Helicopter Configurations and Drive Train Concents for Optimal Variable Rotor-Speed Utilization." Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, 2016. Garre, W.; Amri, H.; Pflumm, T.; Paschinger, P.; Mileti, M.; Hajek, M.; and Weigand, M. "Helicopter Configurations and Drive Train Concepts for Optimal Variable Rotor-Speed Utilization." DLRK2016, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, September 2016. Garre, W.; Pflumm, T.; and Hajek, M. "Enhanced Efficiency and Flight Envelope by Variable Main Rotor Speed for Different Helicopter Configurations." Forty-Second European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, September 2016. Go, J.-I., and Park, J.-S. "Validation Study on Conceptual Design and Performance Analysis for Lift-Offset Compound Rotorcrafts." Fifth Asian-Australian Rotorcraft Forum, Singapore, November 2016. Grima, A.; Theodore, C.; Garrow, O.; Lawrence, B.; and Persson, L. "Aerodynamic Analysis of the Elytron 2S Experimental Tiltwing Aircraft." SAE Techical Paper 2016-01-2008, September 2016. Johnson, W.; Elmore, J.F.; Keen, E.B.; Gallaher, A.T.; and Nunez, G.F. "Coaxial Compound Helicopter for Confined Urban Operation." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, CA, January 2016. Lawrence, B.; Theodore, C.R.; Tobias, E.L.; Berger, T.; Tischler, M.B.; Elmore, J.; and Gallaher, A. "Integrating Flight Dynamics and Control Analysis and Simulation in Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Moodie, A.M.; Keen, E.B.; and Gallaher, A.T. "Design and Assessment of a Size Constrained Advanced Tilt Rotor, Lift Offset Coaxial Compound and Winged Compound." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, CA, January 2016. Scott, R. "Reliability-Focused Design of Advanced Rotorcraft Configurations." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Scott, R. "A New Rotorcraft Design Framework Based on Reliability and Cost." Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016. Senzig, D.A., and Liu, S. "Rotorcraft Performance Data for AEDT. Methods of using NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft tool for developing data for AEDT's Rotorcraft Performance Model." DOT/AAA/AEE/2016-28, September 2016. Sharma, K., and Brentner, K.S. "Acoustic Assessment for Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Silva, C.; Calvert, M.E.; Gallaher, A.T.; Nunez, G.F.; Scott, R.C.; Sinsay, J.D.; and Vocke, R.D., III. "The High Efficiency Tiltrotor as a Solution to the Needs of a Mobile Military." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, CA, January 2016. Sinsay, J.D.; Hadka, D.M.; and Lego, S.E. "An Integrated Design Environment for NDARC." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, CA, January 2016. Snyder, C.A. "Range and Endurance Tradeoffs on Personal Rotorcraft Design." American Helicopter Society 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2016. Van der Velden, A.; Schrage, D.; Arterburn, D.; Smith, A.; Sirirojvisuth, A.; and Ashok, S. "Probabilistic Certificate of Correctness for Helicopter Variants." Royal Aeronautical Society Rotorcraft Virtual Engineering Conference, Liverpool, UK, November 2016. Vegh, J.M.; Alonso, J.J.; and Sinsay, J.D. "Modeling of Diesel and Diesel-Electric Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Conceptual Design of Rotorcraft." American Helicopter Society Specialists' Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, CA, January 2016. Bouchard, E.D.; Schmit, M.L.; Collins, K.; and Mavris, D. "A Numerical Method to Calibrate and Forcast Technology Improvements for the UH-60 Helicopter using NDARC." American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2017. Gallaher, A. "Method for Estimating Inertial Properties of Rotorcraft in Conceptual Design." American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2017. Go, J.-I.; Kim, D.H.; Park, J.-S.; Chae, S.; and Wie, S.Y. "Performance and Loads Analyses of Compound Helicopters Using a Rigid Coaxial Rotor." Sixth Asian-Australian Rotorcraft Forum and Heli Japan 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, November 2017. Go, J.-I.; Kim, D.H.; Park, J.-S.; Wie, S.Y.; and Chae, S. "Performance and Vibration Analyses of Lift-Offset Helicopters Using a Rigid Coaxial Rotor." Forty-Third European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, September 2017. Govindarajan, B.; Sridharan, A.; and Avera, M. "Integration of Physics Based Weight Models into Rotorcraft Design Sizing." Forty-Third European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan, Italy, September 2017. Persson, L., and Lawrence, B. "Design and Control of an Experimental Tiltwing Aircraft." NASA CR 2017-219456, March 2017. Scott, R.C.; Gallaher, A.T.; Vocke, R.D., III; and Perry, T.D. "A Design Survey of Unmanned Tactical Rotorcraft for Efficient Hover and Cruise." AIAA Paper No. 2017-4380, June 2017. Silva, C.; Sinsay, J.D.; and Johnson, W. "Design and Analysis Tools for New Rotorcraft Concepts and Emerging Markets." Sixth Asian-Australian Rotorcraft Forum and Heli Japan 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, November 2017. Snyder, C.A. "Personal Rotorcraft Design and Performance with Electric Hybridization." American Helicopter Society 73rd Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2017. Gerosa, G., and Masarati, P. "A Rotorcraft Conceptual Design Tool for Handling Qualities Evaluation." PEGASUS Student Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 2018. Gerosa, G.; Zanoni, A.; Panza, S.; Masarati, P.; and Lovera, M. "A Handling Qualities Oriented Approach to Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2018. Johnson, W., and Silva, C. "Observations from Exploration of VTOL Urban Air Mobility Designs." Seventh Asian-Australian Rotorcraft Forum, Jeju, Korea, October 2018. Johnson, W.; Silva, C.; and Solis, E. "Concept Vehicles for VTOL Air Taxi Operations." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Khurana, M., and Silva, C. "Optimization of a High Efficiency Civil Tiltrotor Platform for Low Emission Flight." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Lawrence, B.; Theodore, C.R.; Johnson, W.; and Berger, T. "A Handling Qualities Analysis Tool for Rotorcraft Conceptual Designs." The Aeronautical Journal, 122:1252 (June 2018). Meyn, L.A. "Rotorcraft Optimization Tools: Incorporating Rotorcraft Design codes into Multi-Disciplinary Design, Analysis, and Optimization." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Perry, T., and Gallaher, A. "Automated Layout with a Python Integrated NDARC Environment." American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2018. Russell, C.R.; Theodore, C.R.; and Sekula, M.K. "Incorporating Test Data for Small UAS at the Conceptual Design Level." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Silva, C.; Johnson, W.; Antcliff, K.R.; and Patterson, M.D. "VTOL Urban Air Mobility Concept Vehicles for Technology Development." AIAA Paper No. 2018-3847, June 2018. Silva, C.; Johnson, W.; and Solis, E. "Multidisciplinary Conceptual Design for Reduced-Emission Rotorcraft." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Sinsay, J.D. "Re-Imagining Rotorcraft Advanced Design." The Aeronautical Journal, 122:1256 (October 2018). Sinsay, J.D. "A Heuristic for Varying Design Parametrization Applied to a Multidisciplinary Rotorcraft Problem." Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Stanford University, 2018. Sinsay, J.D., and Alonso, J.J. "Heuristic Discovery of Improved Rotor Designs." American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2018. Snyder, C.A., and Kohlman, L.W. "Using Liquid Natural Gas Fuel to Cryogenically Cool and Enhance a Hybrid Electric Aircraft Power System." American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2018. Theodore, C.R. "A Summary of the NASA Design Environment for Novel Vertical Lift Vehicles (DELIVER) Project." American Helicopter Society Technical Conference on Aeromechanics Design for Transformative Vertical Flight, San Francisco, CA, January 2018. Vocke, R.D., III. "System Level Benefits of a Variable Diameter Rotor System for a Conceptual Tiltrotor Design." American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum, Phoenix, AZ, May 2018. André, N., and Hajek, M. "Robust Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Electric VTOL Concepts for Urban Air Mobility." AIAA Paper No. 2019-3473, June 2019. Khurana, M.; Russell, C.; and Scott, R. "Uncertainty Quantification of a Rotorcraft Conceptual Sizing Toolsuite." AIAA Paper No. 2019-1728, January 2019. Scott, R., and Khurana, M. "Conceptual Design and Assessment of a Light Multirole Rotorcraft Using Uncertainty Quantification." AIAA Paper No. 2019-0558, January 2019. Snyder, C.A., and Tong, M.T. "Modeling Turboshaft Engines for the Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project." American Helicopter Society 75th Annual Forum, Philadelphia, PA, May 2019. Vegh, J.M.; Botero, E.; Clark, M.; Smart, J.; and Alonso, J.J. "Current Capabilities and Challenges of NDARC and SUAVE for eVTOL Aircraft Desgn and Analysis." AIAA Paper No. 2019-4505, August 2019. Yeo, H. "Design and Aeromechanics Investigation of Compound Helicopters." Aerospace Science and Technology, 88 (May 2019). Govindarajan, B., and Sridharan, A. "Conceptual Sizing of Vertical Lift Package Delivery Platforms." Journal of Aircraft, 57:6 (November-December 2020). Jaworski, T. "Development of an Acoustic Prediction System for Conceptual Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft." Master of Science, Pennsylvania State University, 2020. Johnson, W. "A Quiet Helicopter for Air Taxi Operations." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2020. Johnson, W.; Withrow-Maser, S.; Young, L.; Malpica, C.; Koning, W.J.F.; Kuang, W.; Fehler, M.; Tuano, A.; Chan, A.; Datta, A.; Chi, C.; Lumba, R.; Escobar, D.; Balaram, J.; Tzanetos, T.; and Grip, H.F. "Mars Science Helicopter Conceptual Design." NASA TM 2020-220385, March 2020. Lewicki, D.G. "Unmanned Vertical Takeoff and Lift Propulsion Research for Maneuver Flight Control and Improved Endurance and Range." ARL-CR-0849, June 2020. Malpica, C., and Withrow-Maser, S. "Handling Qualities Analysis of Blade Pitch and Rotor Speed Controlled eVTOL Quadrotor Concepts for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society International Powered Lift Conference, San Jose, CA, January 21–23, 2020. Pradeep, P.; Chatterji, G.B.; Sridhar, B.; Edholm, K.-M.; Lauderdale, T.A.; Sheth, K.; Lai, C.F.; and Erzberger, H. "Wind-Optimal Trajectories for Multirotor eVTOL Aircraft on UAM Missions." AIAA Paper No. 2020-3271, June 2020. Schwinn, D.B.; Weiand, P.; and Buchwald, M. "Structural Sizing of a Rotorcraft Fuselage Using an Integrated Design Approach." Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 64:4 (October 2020). Sirirojvisuth, N.; Briceno, S.; and Justin, C.Y. "Life-Cycle Economic Analysis and Optimization for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society International Powered Lift Conference, San Jose, CA, January 21–23, 2020. Sirirojvisuth, N.; Briceno, S.; and Justin, C.Y. "A Life-Cycle Economic Study of eVTOL Air Taxi Service in the U.S. North-East Region." Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum, October 2020. Snyder, C.A. "More/All Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Vehicle Sensitivities to Propulsion and Power Performance." Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum, October 2020. Withrow-Maser, S.; Johnson, W.; Young, L.; Cummings, H.; Chan, A.; Tzanetos, T.; Balaram, J.; and Bapst, J. "An Advanced Mars Helicopter Design." AIAA Paper No. 2020-4028, November 2020. Withrow-Maser, S.; Johnson, W.; Young, L.; Koning, W.; Malpica, C.; Balaram, J.; and Tzanetos, T. "Mars Science Helicopter: Conceptual Design of the Next Generation of Mars Rotorcraft." AIAA Paper No. 2020-4029, November 2020. Withrow-Maser, S.; Koning, W.; Kuang, W.; and Johnson, W. "Recent Efforts Enabling Future Mars Rotorcraft Missions." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2020. Withrow-Maser, S.; Malpica, C.; and Nagami, K. "Multirotor Configuration Trades Informed by Handling Qualities for Urban Air Mobility Application." Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum, October 2020. Amri, H.; Auer, A.; and Gross, C. "Mission Performance and Cost Calculations for Variable Rotor Speed Drivetrain." Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum, May 2021. Kratz, J.L., and Culley, D.E. "Enhancement of an Electrified Tilt-Wing Propulsion System Using Turbine Electrified Energy Management." AIAA Paper No. 2021-0875, January 2021. Schwinn, D.B.; Weland, P.; and Buchwald, M. "Rotorcraft Fuselage Mass Assessment in Early Design States." CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 12:2 (April 2021). Silva, C., and Johnson, W. "Practical Conceptual Design of Quieter Urban VTOL Aircraft." Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum, May 2021. Stephenson, J.H.; Schatzman, N.L.; Cheung, B.K.; Zawodny, N.S.; Sargent, D.C.; and Sim, B.W.-C. "Aeroacoustic Measurements from the Aerodynamic and Acoustic Rotorprop Test (AART) in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NDARC) 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel." Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum, May 2021. Whiteside, S.K.S.; Pollard, B.P.; Antcliff, K.R.; Zawodny, N.S.; Fei, X.; Silva, C.; and Medina, G.L. "Design of a Tiltwing Concept Vehicles for Urban Air Mobility." NASA TM 2021-0017971, June 2021. Zhao, H.; Li, J.-B.; Wang, Y.; and Wang, Z.-G. "Preliminary Parameters Design for a Long Endurance Unmanned Helicopter with Low Rotor-Disc Loading." Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 235:11 (September 2021). Altamirano, G.V.; Foster, J.V.; Malpica, C.; and Schuet, S. "Integrated Handling Qualities Safety Analysis for Conceptual Design of Urban Air Mobility Vehicles." AIAA Paper No. 2022-4012, June 2022. Bodie, M.; Wenren, Y.; Muhlestein, M.; Avera, M.; Jacobellis, G.; Floros, M.; and Anusonti-Inthra, P. "Development and Validation of Conceptual Design Level Rotorcraft Acoustics Predictions Tools." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2022. Floros, M.W.; Anusonti-Inthra, P.; Jacobellis, G.; and Avera, M. "Acoustic Analysis for Conceptual Design via Comprehensive Analysis." Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2022. Johnson, W. "NDARC. NASA Design and Analysis of Rotorcraft." NASA TP 2022-0000355, January 2022. Johnson, W., and Silva, C. "NASA Concept Vehicles and the Engineering of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft." The Aeronautical Journal, 126:1295 (January 2022). Lee, D.; LIm, D.; and Yee, K. "Generic Design Methodology for Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft with Hybrid-Electric Propulsion." Journal of Aircraft, 59:2 (March-April 2022). Padthe, A.K.; Lopez, M.J.S.; Berger, T.; Juhasz, O.; Tobias, E.L.; and Glover, E.D. "Design, Modeling, and Flight Dynamics Analysis of Generic Lift-Offset Coaxial Rotor Configurations." Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum, Fort Worth, TX, May 2022. Radotich, M. "Conceptual Design of Tiltrotor Aircraft for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2022. Sinsay, J.D., and Sridharan, A. "Tool for Optimization of Rotorcraft Concepts Applied to eVTOL Rotor Design." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2022. Smadhi, A.; Khlifi, H.; and Bourehla, A. "New Method for the Presizing of Heavy Lift Civil Transport Helicopters." Forty-Eighth European Rotorcraft Forum, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 2022. Whiteside, S.K.S., and Pollard, B.P. "Conceptual Design of a Tiltduct Reference Vehicle for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 2022. Zanoni, A.; Gerosa, G.; Di Lallo, L.; and Masarati, P. "Handling Qualities in Rotorcraft Conceptual Design." Merotechnica Missili and Spazio, 101:1 (March 2022). Ahn, C.; Park, S.; Chang, Y.; Hwang, M.; Cha, W.; and Shin, S. "Comparison and Analysis of a Tiltrotor UAM Configuration by Using NDARC." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Altamirano, G.; Matt, J.; Foster, J.; Suh, P.; Hanson, C.; Malpica, C.; and Schuet, S. "Flying Qualities Analysis and Piloted Simulation Testing of a Lift+Cruise Vehicle with Propulsion Failures in Hover and Low-Speed Conditions." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Cha, W.; Park, S.; Chang, Y.; and Shin, S. "Structural Design from a Conceptual Design of a Lift+Cruise eVTOL Vehicle." Ninth Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum and Fifth International Basic Research Conference on Rotorcraft Technology, Nanjing, China, November 2023. Cha, W.; Park, S.; Hwang, M.; Chang, Y.; Ahn, C.; and Shin, S. "Design of a LIft+Cruise eVTOL Aircraft Reflecting the Geometry and Structural Details Regarding Battery Locations." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Chang, B.Y.; Park, S.; Kim, Y.; Ahn, C.; Cha, W.; Hwang, M.; and Shin, S. "Advanced Optimization Framework of a Tiltwing eVTOL Aircraft Including Geometry Consideration." Vertical Flight Society Autonomous VTOL Technical Meeting, Mesa, AZ, January 2023. Chapman, J.W.; Vegh, J.M.; Nunez, G.; and Snyder, C.A. "Modeling Turboshaft Engines for the Revolutionary Vertical LIft Technology Project, Expanded." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Chen, G.H.; Vegh, J.M.; and Milligan, A. "An Investigation into the Electrification of an Advanced Tiltrotor Concept." AIAA Paper No. 2023-3842, June 2023. Cornelius, J.K. "Designing a Coaxial Quadrotor for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society Autonomous VTOL Technical Meeting, Mesa, AZ, January 2023. Malpica, C.; Withrow-Maser, S.; Aires, J.; Schuet, S.; Suh, P.; Barnes, K.; Hanson, C.; Ruan, A.; Altamirano, G.; and Foster, J. "Handling Qualities of Multirotor RPM-Controlled Electric-Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) Aircraft for Urban Air Mobility." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Moodie, A.; Vegh, M.; Keen, E.; Scott, R.; and Battey, L. "Operational and Aircraft System Modeling Utilizing Model-Based Multidisciplinary Optimization Methods." AIAA Paper No. 2023-3903, June 2023. Sharma, A.; Keller, J.D.; and Martins, J.R.R.A. "MDO Framework for DEP Aircraft Design Including Flight Controls." AIAA Paper No. 2023-1364, January 2023. Vegh, J.M.; Scott, R.; Basset, P.-M.; Perret, R.; Beals, N.; and Singh, R. "A Comparison of Three Conceptual Design Approaches Applied to an Electric Distributed Lift Aircraft." Forty-Ninth European Rotorcraft Forum, Bückenburg, German, September 2023. Welstead, J.R. "Exploration of Design Drivers for the RVLT Lift+Cruise Reference Aircraft." NASA TM 2023-0011630, September 2023. Zappek, V.; Rinker, M.; Daxer, L.; and Hajek, M. "Evaluation of Aerial Vehicle Configurations for High-Range Mars Missions." CEAS Space Journal, 15:1 (January 2023). Zappek, V., and Yavrucuk, I. "Fuel Cell Sizing for a UAV with Intermeshing Rotors Using a Genetic Algorithm for NDARC Rotor Performance Calibration." Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, FL, May 2023. Zappek, V., and Yavrucuk, I. "Mission Performance of Different Landing Gear Types in Medium Sized Twin Engine Helicopters." Forty-Ninth European Rotorcraft Forum, Bückenburg, German, September 2023. Cha, W.; Park, S.; Ahn, C.; Chang, Y.; and Shin, S. "Design of a Lift Plus Cruise eVTOL Aircraft with an Initial Fuselage Frame Design." Vertical Flight Society 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 2024. Kallstrom, K.; Weist, L.; Schatzman, N.; Shirazi, D.; Dominguez, M.; and Young, L. "PlanetarY Telelmetric Helicopter for Investigation and Analysis (PYTHIA): A Rotorcraft for Martian Lava Tube Exploration." Vertical Flight Society 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 2024. Radotich, M. "Conceptual Design Trade Studies for Acoustic Predictions of the NASA UAM Tiltrotor Reference Vehicle." Vertical Flight Society 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 2024. Scott, R.; Chen, G.; and Milligan, A. "Design Investigation of the Electric Tailsitter as an Affordable Observation & Delivery Platform." Vertical Flight Society 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 2024.